Agriculture Question Bank

1. (AxB)XC is
a. Test cross
b. Double cross
c. Three way cross
d. Top cross

2. _________________ the physical methods used for controlling nematodes.
a. Heat treatment
b. Radiation
c. Osmotic pressure
d. All of the above

3. ‘Ascent of cell sap’ from root to the tree top is exercised by
a. Cambium cell
b. Xylem
c. Phloem
d. Cuticle

4. ‘Queen’ is the variety of
a. Sapota
b. Guava
c. Pine apple
d. Mango

5. Cause of deterioration of variety is
a. Mendelian variation
b. Mutation
c. Mechanical mixture
d. All of the above

6. Conversion of nitrate nitrogen to molecular nitrogen is known as
a. Denitrification
b. Nitrification
c. Nitrogen release
d. None of the above

7. Cytogenetic male sterility is utilized in
a. Pure line selection
b. Hybrid seed production
c. Back cross method
d. Progeny test

8. Edible banana fruit is seedless because of
a. Embryo abortion
b. Absence of stigma
c. Vegetative parthenocarpy
d. Stimulated parthenocarpy

9. Genetically the purest seed is
a. Breeder’s seed
b. Registered seed
c. Certified seed
d. Nucleus seed

10. Mendael’s laws of inheritance operate during
a. Mitosis
b. Meiosis
c. Gametogenesis
d. Pollination

11. Pure line may be defined as the progeny of
a. Any two individuals
b. A homozygous individual
c. A self fertilized individual
d. A homozygous and self-fertilized individual

12. Rock phosphate can be safely used in
a. Lateritic soil
b. Alkali soil
c. Calcarious soil
d. Acid soil

13. Splitting of pods is caused by
a. Hydrotropic movement
b. Hydration movement
c. Phototropic movement
d. Photoperiodic movement

14. Solubility of rock phosphate can be improved by
a. Nitrosomonas
b. Nitrobacter
c. Azotobacter
d. Bacillus polymexa

15. The electron transport carriers are located in the
a. Mitochondrial membrane
b. Granum membrane
c. Stroma
d. Thylakoid

16. The initial acceptor of the carbon dioxide molecule is
a. Ribulosedinucletide
b. Ribulose1,5 biphosphate
c. Formaldehyde
d. Phosphoglycerate

17. Most difficult problem in the production of seed potato is the production of
a. Good variety
b. Virus free seed
c. Cold resistant variety
d. Fungi resistance seed

18. The photolysis of water takes place in the
a. Thylakoid
b. Granum
c. Stromata
d. None of the above

19. The pathogen of loose smut of wheat is
a. Soil borne
b. Internally seed borne
c. Both a and b
d. Not seed borne

20. Which of the following is controlled by gibberellic acid?
a. Fruit development
b. Ripening of fruits
c. Vegetative growth
d. Prevention of the loss of flowers

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21. Which of the following is ethylene absorbent?
a. KMnO4
b. KNO2
c. K2SO4
d. KCl

22. When a gene hides the effect of a second gene when both are present, it is called as
a. Modifying action
b. Epistasis
c. Inhibiting
d. Additive dominance

23. When a segment of a chromosome is missing, the condition is known as
a. Translocation
b. Inversion
c. Deletion
d. Transportation

24. ‘V’ notch is a
a. Parshall flume
b. Orifice set
c. Weir
d. Submerged orifice

25. Arrowing refers to
a. Flower primordial initiation in maize
b. Flowering of cotton
c. Flowering of maize
d. Flowering of sugarcane

26. A weed that spreads Asthma is
a. Colotropis
b. Parthenium
c. Cynodon
d. Cyperus

27. Application of nitrogen in cowpea at the time of planting is known as
a. Basal dose
b. Synergistic dose
c. Starter dose
d. Additional dose

28. Black soils are deficient in
a. Potash
b. Calcium
c. Nitrogen
d. Lime

29. Broadcast potassium is ………….. than banded.
a. Highly efficient
b. As efficient as
c. Less efficient
d. None of these

30. Dwarfing gene in rice is
a. Norin- 10
b. Branchytic-2
c. Dee-gee-woo-gen
d. Opaque-21

31. Embryo seed dormancy is mainly found in
a. Tropical climate seeds
b. Temperate climate seeds
c. Sub-tropical seeds
d. None of these

32. Field water use efficiency is calculated by
b. WUE= Y/ET
c. WUE= Y/CU
d. None of these

33. High yielding dwarf varieties of wheat was developed by
a. Dr. B. P. Pal
b. Dr. N. E. Borlaug
c. Dr. E. W. Burton
d. Dr. M. S. Swaminathan

34. If there is 500 kg seed then how much samples should be taken for testing?
a. 8
b. 3
c. 5
d. 10

35. IFFCO is a
a. Farmers club organization
b. Private Fertilizer Company
c. Farmer’s Fertilizer Co-operative
d. Farmer’s Core Society

36. In a predominantly biological system, mineralization of phosphorus from organic matter of crop residues is dependent on soil ……… activity.
a. Chemical
b. Physical
c. Physio-chemical
d. Biological

37. Maize protein is deficient in
a. Betadine
b. Tryptophane and lysine
c. Lysine
d. Tryptophane

38. Name a cereal with maximum protein content
a. Basmati Rice
b. Maize
c. Sorghum
d. Whole wheat

39. Removal of a uniform thin layer of soil by the action of water is referred as
a. Splash erosion
b. Sheet erosion
c. Rill erosion
d. Gully erosion

40. Seed plot technique of potato is used to produce
a. Insect free seeds
b. Nematode free seeds
c. Virus free seeds
d. Large size tubers

41. Sesamum belongs to the family
a. Leguminoseae
b. Papilionaceae
c. Pedaliaceae
d. Chenopodeaceae

42. Maize- potato- wheat- green gram is an example of
a. Tetra cropping
b. Multistoried cropping
c. Relay cropping
d. Inter cropping

43. The best green manuring crop is
a. Napier
b. Sunhemp
c. Dhaincha
d. None of these

44. The first irrigation in wheat is normally recommended at
a. Tillering stage
b. Crown root initiation stage
c. Flowering stage
d. Seeding stage

45. The major part of nitrogen uptake by the maize is over by the
a. Knee high stage
b. Tasselling stage
c. Silking stage
d. Grain maturing stage

46. The most critical stage for irrigation in potato is
a. Root formation
b. Tuberization
c. 25% tuber formation
d. All of these

47. Wheat protein is called as
a. Lutein
b. Gluten
c. Dhurin
d. Ricin

48. Which of the mulch is best and cheap to minimize wind erosion?
a. Paper mulch
b. Straw mulch
c. Stubble mulch
d. Saw dust mulch

49. Banana suckers arise from
a. Underground rhizomes
b. Underground corms
c. Stolons
d. Pseudostems

50. Browning of cauliflower is caused by the deficiency of
a. Potassium
b. Manganese
c. Iron
d. Boron