Dentistry Questions and Answers for BDS and MDS Students

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Dentistry Questions and Answers

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Dentistry Questions and Answers Model Papers

1. Quellung reaction is used for the diagnosis of :
(A) Pneumocoocus
(B) Gonococcus
(C) Staphylococcus
(D) Meningococcus

2. Which one of the following is a transport media?
(A) Blood agar
(B) Buffered glycerol saline
(C) Nutrient broth
(D) All of the above

3. Skin lest used for detection of Tuberculosis is :
(A) Shicktest
(B) Dick test
(C) Mantouxtest
(D) Casoni‘s test

4. Bacillaly dysentery is caused by :
(A) Enterotoxigenic E.coIi
(B) Clostridrium welchii
(C) Salmonella paratyphiA
(D) Shigella flemeri

5. Glutaraldehyde is ideal for sterilization of :
(A) Cystoscopes
(B) Linens
(C) Thermometers
(D) All of the above

6. Paul Bunnel test showing litre of 1 : 256 in serum is indicative of :
(A) Normal serum
(B) infectious mononucleosis
(C) Serum sickness disease
(D) Cytomegalic inclusion

7. All the following are mechanisms of genetic transfer EXCEPT :
(A) Transformation
(B) Transduction
(C) Mutation
(D) Conjugation

8. Primary stain used in Gram’s stain is:
(A) Carbolfuchsin
(B) Iodine
(C) Malachite green A
(D) Gentian violet

9. Holding time for hot air oven is :
(A) 121°C for 15 minutes
(B) 160°C for 1 hour
(C) 160°C for 2 hours
(D) 180°C for 1 hour

10. The virus usually transmitted by blood transfusion is :
(A) Hepatitis A
(B) Hepatitis B
(C) Hepatitis E
(D) All of the above

11. Pellagra is characterized by all EXCEPT:
(A) Diarrhea
(B) Dermatitis
(C) Diuresis
(D) Dementia

12. Systemic Hypertension is seen in all of the following EXCEPT:
(A) Hypothyroidism
(B) Hyperthyroidism
(C) Addison’s disease
(D) Cushing‘s syndrome

13. Infectious Mononurxleosis is caused by:
(A) Herpes Simplex Virus
(B) Ebstein Barr Virus
(C) Parvo Virus
(D) Cytomegalo Virus

14. Clubbing is a usual feature of all EXCEPT :
(A) Bronchiectasis
(B) Rheumatoid Arthritis
(C) Lung Abscess
(D) Cyanotic Congenitial Heart disease

15. Spider nevi is the characteristic of :
(A) Congestive cardiac failure
(B) Renal failure
(C) Hepatic failure
(D) All of the above

16. Acute asthma is treated with :
(A) Atropine
(B) Salbutamol
(C) Digoxin
(D) Frusemide

17. All of the following are cyanotic congenital heart diseases EXCEPT:
(A) Ebstein’s anomaly
(B) Tricuspid atresia
(C) Tetralogy of fallot
(D) Patent ductus arteriosus

18. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis in Pyogenic Meningitis shows all EXCEPT :
(A) Elevated protein
(B) Reduced glucose
(C) Raised Adenosine deaminase
(D) Polymorphonuclear lecocytosis

19. In tension pneumothorax :
(A) Trachea is shifted to the same side of disease
(B) Trachea is shifted to the opposite side of disease
(C) Trachea is shifted to either side of disease
(D) Trachea is not shifted to any side

20. Koplik’s spots are seen in :
(A) Rubella
(B) Measles
(C) Varicella
(D) None of the above

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21. The characteristic irregularly irregular’ pulse is seen in :
(A) Congestive cardiac failure
(B) Atrial Fibrillation
(C) Ventricular fibrillation
(D) Acute Rheumatic Fever

22. Bell’s palsy is associated with the following infection :
(A) Herpes simplex virus
(B) Herpes zoster
(C) Human immuno deficiency virus
(D) Human Papilloma virus

23. Left ventricular hypertrophy occurs in :
(A) Aortic stenosis
(B) Mitral Regurgitation
(C) Aortic regurgitation
(D) All of the above

24. Trismus is a feature of :
(A) Hypocalcemia
(B) Tetanus
(C) Trigeminal neuralgia
(D) Bell’s palsy

25. The risk factors of Coronary Artery Disease include all EXCEPT:
(A) High HDL
(B) Diabetes mellitus
(C) Smoking
(D) High LDL

26. Hemorrhage that occurs a few hours after surgery is called as :
(A) Primary hemorrhage
(B) Secondary hemorrhage
(C) Tertiary hemorrhage
(D) Reactionary hemorrhage

27. Papillary carcinoma of thyroid spreads mostly by :
(A) Lymphatics
(B) Local spread
(C) Blood
(D) Both by local spread and blood

28. Malignant ulcer that occurs over a burnt scar is called :
(A) Rodentulcer
(B) Marjolin‘s ulcer
(C) Melanoma
(D) Curling

29. What is called Universal tumor ?
(A) Lipoma A
(B) Fibroma
(C) Neurofibroma
(D) Osteoma

30. In an Epithelioma the edges are :
(A) Interled
(B) Evened
(C) Undemwined
(D) Rolled

31. Pleomorphic Adenoma is more common in :
(A) Parolid gland
(B) Submandibular salivary gland
(C) Sublingual salivary gland
(D) Ectopic salivary gland

32. All are the causes of non-union of fracture EXCEPT:
(A) Infection
(B) internal fixation
(C) Soft tissue interposition
(D) Wide separation of fragments

33. Post-operative tension hematoma is seen in:
(A) Postthyroidectomy
(B) Postparotidectomy
(C) After brain surgery
(D) None of the above

34. Common complications of sebaceous cyst are all EXCEPT :
(A) Infection
(B) Calcification
(C) Malignancy
(D) Sebaceous horn

35. Usual cause of Exradural hematoma is
(A) Middle meningeal artery injury
(B) Emissary vein injury
(C) Laceration brain
(D) Laceration dura

36. “Orphan Annie Eye” is a feature of :
(A) Anaplastic carcinoma
(B) Papillary carcinoma
(C) Medullary carcinoma
(D) Follicular carcinoma

37. Commonest pre-malignant condition in oral cancer is:
(A) Erythroplakia
(B) Aphthous ulcer
(C) Leukoplakia
(D) Lichen planus

38. Commonest site of carcinoma tongue is:
(A) Dorsum of tongue
(B) Middle third of the lateral margins
(C) Ventral aspect of tongue
(D) None of the above

39. Swelling which moves on protrusion of the tongue :
(A) Branchial cyst
(B) Thyroglossal cyst
(C) Ranula
(D) Odontogenic cyst

40. Commonest site of Thyroglossal cyst is:
(A) Suprahyoid
(B) Subhyoid
(C) Level of cricoids
(D) Floor of the mouth

41. Resistance of a liquid motion is called:
(A) Viscosity
(B) Creep
(C) Diffusion
(D) Springiness

42. Density of gold in g/cm3 is :
(A) 19.3
(B) 20.24
(C) 8.93
(D) 21.25

43. The stress that opposes a twisting motion is:
(A) Compression
(B) Tension
(C) Shear stress
(D) Flexure stress

44. The ability of an alloy to withstand mechanical stress without permanent deformation is reflected by its:
(A) Resilience
(B) Elastic limit
(C) Hardness
(D) Fatigue resistance

45. Most commonly used, wash impression for edentulous jaws :
(A) Zinc oxide eugenol
(B) Hydrocolloids
(C) Elastomers
(D) impression compound

46. The plasticizers used in polyether impression material is:
(A) Polyether polymer
(B) Colloidal silica
(C) Glycol ether
(D) Divinyl poly

47. Normal hygroscopic expansion of gypsum bonded investment is :
(A) 0.1 — 0.5%
(B) 0.5 – 0.8%
(C) 1.2 – 2%
(D) 2.4 – 4.2%

48. Secondary caries is least likely seen with :
(A) Silicate cement
(B) Zinc phosphate
(C) Polycardoxylate

49. The pH of calcium hydroxide liner is :
(A) 1.5
(B) 7
(C) 10
(D) 11

50. The percentage of copper in single composition copper alloys is :
(A) 0-6%
(B) 12-28%
(C) 10-12%
(D) 12-20%