Fisheries Questions and Answers for Fishery Science Exam

Applicants can download the Fisheries Questions and Answers pdf Papers and general knowledge questions related to fisheries pdf Papers. On this Page, we have updated fisheries objective questions pdf Papers and fisheries science objective questions pdf Books for the sake of Aspirants.

Fisheries Questions and Answers

Here, is providing the questions on fish farming Sample Papers and Solved Question Papers for free. Download the fisheries science objective questions pdf Papers and make as a reference for the exam preparation.

General knowledge questions related to fisheries Syllabus & Fisheries Questions and Answers Pattern will be helpful in scheduling the preparation for the fisheries science objective questions pdf Written Exam. Below, we have given the brief fisheries science mcq pdf Syllabus for the applicant’s reference of exam of Posts.

Multiple Choice Questions on Fisheries pdf

1. For keeping 1 cm of fish, the surface area of aquarium should be:
(a) 10 cm2
(b) 20 cm2
(c) 30 cm2
(d) 40 cm2

2. Spawning mops are used for breeding of:
(a) Fighter fish
(b) Gold fish
(c) Angel fish
(d) None of these

3. Profitability of a farm not dependent on :
(a) Productivity
(b) Farm price
(c) Cost of production (d) Farm area

4. Monopoly market is characterized by :
(a) Single buyer
(b) Single seller
(c) Large number of sellers
(d) Few buyers

5. Coral belongs to the class :
(a) Anthozoa
(b) Metazoan
(c) Cnidarian
(d) Hydrozoa

6. Organic decomposition is very slow in :
(a) Oxygen deficient medium
(b) CO2 deficient medium
(c) Oxygen high medium
(d) Hydrogen high medium

7. The rate of breakdown of organic matter is rapid in :
(a) Aerobic media
(b) Both aerobic and anaerobic media
(c) Anaerobic media
(d) Nothing related to the above

8. Scientific name of yellowtail catfish:
(a) Heteropneustes fossilis
(b) Pangasius hypophthalmus
(c) Pangasius pangasius
(d) Ictalurus punctatus

9. Scientific name of Indian salmon:
(a) Salmo trutafario
(b) Salmo gairdneri
(c) Acrossocheilus hexagonolepis
(d) Eleutheronema tetradactylum

10. World Fisheries Day:
(a) 16 June
(b) 2 December
(c) 20 February
(d) 21 November

11. Scientific name of Pacu fish:
(a) P.sophore
(b) P.brachypomus
(c) P.pogu
(d) O.balangerii

12. Depreciation is the :
(a) Reduction in total income
(b) Reduction in total cost
(c) Decline in value of asset
(d) None of these

13. Product differentiation is characteristics of :
(a) Monopoly market
(b) Monopolistic competitive market
(c) Perfect competitive market
(d) Oligopoly market

14. Which one is not a basic principles of the production economics :
(a) What to produce
(b) How to produce
(c) How much to produce
(d) Where to produce

15. Cross elasticity for complementary goods :
(a) Positive
(b) Zero
(c) Negative
(d) None of these

16. The minimum mesh size permitted for fishing in most of the Indian reservoirs is:
(a) 50 mm
(b) 30mm
(c) 15 mm
(d) 20 mm

17. What is the meaning of ‘End’ and ‘Means’ in the definition of economics :
(a) Wants and resource
(b) Producer and consumer
(c) Money and goods
(d) Buyers and seller

18. The word Economics is derived from :
(a) Latin word
(b) Greek word
(c) French word
(d) Arabic word

19. Which bacterium is used in bioremediation process :
(a) Rhizobium sp
(b) Bacillus licheniformis
(c) Pseudomonas pudita
(d) Streptococcus sp

20. ‘Red Data Book’ provides data on :
(a) Biota of red sea
(b) Threatened species
(c) Effect of red light
(d) Red pigment plant

21. The termed ‘Niche’ was given by :
(a) Odum
(b) Tansley
(c) Grinnel
(d) R .Misra

22. Want satisfying power of commodity is called :
(a) Desire
(b) Utility
(c) Demand
(d) Wants

23. A symbiotic inter-specific relationship where one partner is benefited and other partner is not harmed
(a) Symbiosis
(b) Commensalism
(c) Mutualism
(d) Neutralism

24. The termed ‘Ecology’ derived from :
(a) Arabic word
(b) Greek word
(c) Latin word
(d) French word

25. Hard water contains :
(a) Bicarbonates of Ca and Mg ions
(b) Both (a) & (c)
(c) Soluble chlorides
(d) None of these

multiple choice questions on fisheries pdf

26. Scientific name of nghazawngek:
(a) G. khopai
(b) G. mizoramensis
(c) G. dampaensis
(d) G. anandalei

27. Scientific name of nghalungrem:
(a) Hemimyzon sp
(b) Hemiadon sp
(c) G. dampaensis
(d) G. mizoramensis

28. The efficient scale of production is the quantity of output that minimizes :
(a) Average variable cost
(b) Average fixed cost
(c) Average total cost
(d) Marginal cost

29. Change in demand of the commodity does not take place :
(a) Change in price
(b) Change in consumer income
(c) Change taste
(d) Change in price of substitute

30. Pelagic organisms are broadly classified in to:
(a) Neuston and nekton
(b) Plueston and nueston
(c) Pleuston and nekton
(d) Plankton and nekton

More Question Set for Fisheries

31. The name ‘Plankton’ is coined by :
(a) Rirtcher
(b) Hensen
(c) Hynes
(d) Tansley

32. Scientific name of lengphar:
(a) P.sarana
(b) B.profundus
(c) P.ticto
(d) G.dampaensis

33. It is the analysis of intra-specific variations and evolutionary studies as speciation :
(a) Alpha taxonomy
(b) Beta taxonomy
(c) Gamma taxonomy
(d) None of these

34. Fish belongs to the phylum :
(a) Chordata
(b) Gnathostomata
(c) Vertebrata
(d) Teleostei

35. Indian lizard fish (Saurida tumbil) belongs to the family :
(a) Synodontidae
(b) Psilorhynchidae
(c) Tumbilidae
(d) Clupeidae

36. The proportion of sand, silt and clay in a soil is defines as:
(a) Structure
(b) Texture
(c) Bulk density
(d) Particle density

37. If the pH of pond soil is 6.6-7.5.The required lime(agriculture lime) dose kg/ha
(a) 2000
(b) 500
(c) 300
(d) 1000

38. The plan of work which has been arranged chronologically is :
(a) Evaluation
(b) Annual plan of work
(c) Programme
(d) Calendar of work

39. The pH measurement is based on a scale from:
(a) 0 to 14
(b) 0 to 12
(c) 1 to 14
(d) 1 to 12

40. Which of the following is the correct percentage of mineral matter present in the soil:
(a) 55 %
(b) 45 %
(c) 50 %
(d) 35 %

41. Which of the following is a dibasic acid :
(a) HNO3
(b) H3PO4
(c) HCL
(d) H2 SO4

42. In case of two supplementary enterprises, marginal rate of product substitution is :
(a) Positive
(b) Zero
(c) Negative
(d) None of these

43. Which stage of production is called rational stage :
(a) Stage –I
(b) Stage –III
(c) Stage –II
(d) None of these

44. Which one is not a type of relationship in between input and output :
(a) Farm –Product
(b) Product – Product
(c) Factor – Product
(d) Factor –Factor

45. Largest freshwater lake in India:
(a) Pulicat lake
(b) Chilka lake
(c) Kolleru lake
(d) Loktak lake

46. Scientific name of black carp :
(a) Cirrhinus molitorella
(b) Mylopharhyngodon piceus
(c) Molitorella molitorella
(d) Ctenopharyngodon idella

47. Scientific name of oriental river prawn :
(a) M.dobsonii
(b) M.nipponens
(c) M.malcolmsonii
(d) M.rude

48. Loss of individuals from one population and the addition of individuals to anoher population is :
(a) Immigration
(b) Catadromous migration
(c) Emigration
(d) Anadramous migration

49. In the ecosystem, the biomass of the producers are less and consumers are more :
(a) Upright pyramid
(b) Inverted pyramid
(c) Horizontal pyramid
(d) None of these

50. Scientific name of channel catfish:
(a) Salmo truttafario
(b) Eleutheronema tetradactylum
(c) Heteropneustes fossilis
(d) Ictalurus punctatus

51. Width of the rings (scales/otolith) gives an estimation of:
(a) Health of fish
(b) Age
(c) Growth
(d) Ecology of fish

52. A large regional unit characterized by a specific flora and fauna is called :
(a) Biome
(b) Ecosystem
(c) Biosphere
(d) Landscape

53. In meromictic lake, number of turnover of water per year is :
(a) 1
(b) Zero
(c) 2
(d) >2

54. Identify the correct order in which the lentic series evolved :
(a) Pond, bogs, swamps, lakes
(b) Swamps, lakes, ponds, bogs
(c) Lakes, ponds, bogs, swamps
(d) Lakes, swamps, ponds, bogs

55. Craft mostly used in reservoir :
(a) Dug- out canoe
(b) Lampani
(c) Coracle
(d) Dingi

56. Scientific name of Indian white shrimp:
(a) F.indicus
(b) F.merguiensis
(c) P.monodon
(d) L.indicus

57. Scientific name of freshwater crayfish:
(a) Astacopsis gouldi
(b) Euastacus armatus
(c) Homarus armatus
(d) Homarus gammarus

58. Exclusive Economic Zone of Indian fisheries :
(a) 2.02 million
(b) 2.2 million
(c) 2.35 millionsq .km
(d) 3.14 million

59. Scientific name of pig mouthed carp:
(a) Labeo kontius
(b) Labeo gonius
(c) Labeo dyocheilus
(d) Labeo pangusia

60. Government of India classified as medium reservoir ranging from :
(a) 1000-5000 ha
(b) <1000 ha
(c) 5000-10000 ha
(d) >10000 ha

61. Proportion of early adopters in adoption in farming community is:
(a) 2.5 %
(b) 12.5 %
(c) 34 %
(d) 16 5 %

62. Number of adopters categories are :
(a) Five
(b) Six
(c) Eight
(d) Four

63. The revised CRZ notification under the environment protection act 1986 was passed in :
(a) February, 2011
(b) Feruary, 1991
(c) January, 2011
(d) January, 2010

64. The greater BOD of waste water relates:
(a) Decrease CO2 content of water
(b) Increase temperature content of water
(c) Decrease O2 content of water
(d) All of these

65. Solar constant is…… min2
(a) 2
(b) 6
(c) 4
(d) 8

66. Chilka lake is:
(a) Lagoon
(b) Backwater
(c) Bheri
(d) Mangrove

67. Scientific name of Rainbow trout:
(a) Salmo truttafario
(b) Salmo gairdneri
(c) Salmo solar
(d) Ictalurus punctatus

68. The opaque zone in otolith is formed during:
(a) Passive growth
(b) Recruitment period
(c) Active growth
(d) None of these

69. An innovation has relatively high degree of complexity, its adoption will be:
(a) Quick
(b) Slow
(c) Fast
(d) Can’t be said anything