Preventive Social and Community Medicine Questions and Answers

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Preventive Social and Community Medicine Questions and Answers

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MCQ Preventive Social and Community Medicine

1. According to Global Strategy for Dengue Prevention and Control all of the following are goals to be achieved except:
A. To reduce dengue mortality rate by at least 50% by 2020.
B. To reduce dengue morbidity rate by at least 25% by 2020.
C. To estimate true burden of disease by 2015.
D. To provide laboratory test facility at CHC level by 2020

2. Most common cause of maternal death in India:
A. Severe bleeding
B. Unsafe abortion
C. Obstructed labour
D. Eclampsia

3. Incidence of tuberculosis in a community is measured by:
A. Sputum smear examination
B. Tuberculin test
C. Mass miniature radiography
D. Mantoux test

4. The area is declared flee of epidemic-
A. No new case reported for a month since last case
B. Till last secondary case recovers
C. No new ease reported for incubation period of disease since the last case
D. No new ease reported for twice the incubation period of disease since the last ease

5. Kuppuswany scale for socio-economic status is used for:
A. Urban population
B. Rural population
C. Urban slum population
D. Any population

6. If a child could not receive DPT vaccine, DPT can be given up to age of:
A. Up to 3 years
B. Up to 5 years
C. Up to 7 years
D. Up to 10 years

7. “Bhopal Gas Tragedy” is an example of:-
A. Continuous or repeated exposure epidemic
B. Point source epidemic
C. Slow epidemic
D. Propagated epidemic

8. All of the following are selection criteria for ASHA except:
A. Must be resident of village
B. Preferably in age group of 25-45 years
C. Must be unmarried women of the village
D. Formal education should be up to class eight

9. “Eugenics” is:
A. The science which aims to improve genetic endowment of human population.
B. Study of inborn errors of metabolism.
C. A feeing of drug induced well-being or elation.
A. A state of ‘being carried away by overwhelming emotion.

10. The freshly prepared Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) should not be used after
A. 6 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 24 hours
D. 48 hours

11. In National Leprosy Eradication Programme. the aim for eradication in terms of case load is:
A. or <1 per l000 population
B. 1 or <1 per 10000 population
C. 1 or <1 per lakh population
D. Zero case in population for three consecutive years

12. Tuberculin positive means:
A. Immuno deficient patient
B. Allergic to tuberculin protein
C. Patient is suffering from disease
D. Patient is infected with mycobacterium

13. Who is known for discovery of prevention of scurvy?
A. John Snow
B. Louis Pasteur
C. James Lind
D. Joseph Lister

14. India was certified as polio tree since
A. March 2012
B. March 20l4
C. September 2015
D. April 2017

15. Specificity of a screening test is the ability of a test to detect
A. True positives
B. True negatives
C. False positives
D. False negatives

16. The most common cancer affecting Indian women is:
A. Cervical cancer
B. Breast cancer
C. Ovarian cancer
D. Uterine cancer

17. Program evaluation and review technique (PERT) is used in following:
A. Network analysis
B. Cost effective analysis
C. Input-Output analysis
D. System analysis

18. True statement regarding Rota virus vaccine is:
A. Live attenuated vaccine given orally
B. Live attenuated vaccine given by sub-cutaneous route
C. Killed vaccine given by deep intra muscular route
D. Recombinant vaccine given by intra dermal route

19. Individual approach of health education is best suitable for:
A. Teaching of urban slum about ORS
B. Pre-test counselling of HIV
C. Demonstration of use of water filter
D. Demonstration of checking method for iodized salt

20. Definition of Population attributable risk is:-
A. Risk of disease among exposed as compared to non-exposed
B. Estimate of amount of disease that can be reduced if risk factor is eliminated
C. Difference in risk of exposed and non-exposed group
D. Extend to which disease can be attributed to risk factor under study

Practice Set for Medical Students

21. All of the following are modifiable risk factors for coronary heart disease except:
A. Genetic factors
B. Hypertension
C. Smoking
D. Sedentary habits

22. All of the following activities are undertaken in National programme for healthcare of elderly (NPHCE) except: _
A. Establishment of department of Geriatrics at identified super specialty institutions.
B. Establishment of Geriatric units at identified District Hospitals
C. Establishment of rehabilitation units at identified CHCs
D. Establishment of old age homes at each district.

23. Acculturation means:
A. Exchange of ideas
B. Study of various cultures
C. Groups with different beliefs
D. Culture contact

24. The physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) includes all of the following except-
A. Expectancy of life at age of 1 year
B. Female Literacy Rate
C. Infant Mortality Rate
D. Literacy Rate

25. All of the following types/categories of Bio-Medical Waste (BMW) should be collected in yellow coloured bags or containers except
A. Human anatomical waste
B. Animal anatomical waste
C. Contaminated recyclable waste
D. Discarded linen contaminated with blood

26. Minimum recommended free residual chlorine and contact period for drinking water is:
A. 0.5 mg per litre for half an hour
B. 0.5 mg per litre for one hour
C. 1 mg per litre for half an hour
D. 1 mg per litre for one hour

27. The best parameter to measure air pollution is:
A. SO2
B. CO2
D. N2O

28. All of the following diseases are transmitted by Aedes mosquito except
A. Yellow fever
B. Dengue
C. Chikungunya fever
D. Japanese encephalitis

29. Primordial prevention for Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is
A. Screening for Hypertension
B. Coronary bypass
C. Cessation of cigarette smoking
D. Health education of school children

30. Biochemical oxygen demand is calculated to know:
A. Organic waste
B. Total solids
C. Inorganic waste
D. Toxic substances

31. DDT is a:
A. Fumigant
B. Stomach poison
C. Natural contact poison
D. Synthetic contact poison

32. All of the following are priority interventions in Adolescent health programme under RMNCH+A except:
A. Adolescent reproductive & sexual health programme (ARSH)
B. Weekly iron & folic acid supplementation (WIFS)
C. Menstrual hygiene scheme
D. Vaccination against human papilloma virus

33. Under Integrated disease surveillance project (IDSP) all of the following are warning signs of impending outbreak except:
A. Clustering of cases or deaths in time and/or space
B. Unusual increase of number of cases or deaths
C. Even a single case of diarrhea
D. Even a single case of acute flaccid paralysis

34. Standard deviation is a measure of:
A. Chance
B. Dispersion
C. Central tendency
D. Location

35. Most heat sensitive vaccine is:
A. Oral Polio vaccine
B. Measles

36. Carrier stage is seen in all except:-
A. Tetanus
B. Polio
C. Cholera
D. Pertussis

37. Community Health Centre (CHC) covers a population of
A. 20000 to 40000
B. 30000 to 50000
C. 50000 to 80000
D. 80000 to 120000

38. Nalgonda technique is used for:
A. Detoxification of contaminated mustard oil
B. lodization of salt
C. Defluoridation of water
D. Dechlorination of excess chlorine from water

39. Which index is used to evaluate contraceptive failure?
A. Chandler’s index
B. Pearl Index
C. Failure index
D. Breteau Index

40. Maternity benefit for pregnancy under Employees State Insurance act IS for
A. 12 weeks
B. 26 weeks
C. 1 year
D. 2 years

41. At PHC level Deep Freezer is used for:-
A. To store Oral Polio Vaccine
B. To store BCG Vaccine
C. To store BCG and Oral Polio Vaccine
D. To prepare ice packs only

42. The iodine content in Iodized salt at consumer level should be
A. Not less than 30 ppm
B. Not less than 20 ppm
C. Not less than 10 ppm
D. Not less than 15 ppm

43. Which of the following index is used to measure the operational efficiency of the malaria control programme?
A. Annual blood examination rate
B. Slide positivity rate
C. Annual parasitic incidence
D. Infant parasite rate

44. All are true regarding Normal distribution curve except
A. One standard deviation includes 95% of values
B. Mean, Median, Mode coincides
C. Median is mid value
D. Area under the curve is one

45. Byssinosis is seen in:
A. Cement factories
B. Card board industry
C. Textile industry
D. Iron factories

46. True about colour coding used in triage is:
A. Yellow = Least priority
B. Red = Morbidity
C. Green = Ambulatory
D. Blue = High priority

47. Concept of Multipurpose worker (MPW) was given by
A. Mudaliar Committee
B. Srivastava Committee
C. Kartar Singh Committee
D. Mukherjee Committee