Sample Question Paper on Ayurveda for Practice

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Sample Question Paper on Ayurveda

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Sample Question Paper on Ayurveda Practice Set

1. Number of Yonivyapads according to Charaka is :
(A) 18
(B) 20
(C) 36
(D) 80

2. Commentary written by Jejjeta on Charaka Samhita is :
(A) Tatva Dipika
(B) Tatva Chandrika
(C) Nirantarapadavyakhya
(D) Panjika

3. In which disease Charaka indicates abhyanga with pinda taila ?
(A) Vatarakta
(B) Amavata
(C) Sandhivata
(D) Sandhigatjwara

4. Choice of drug for Kasa, Swasa and Hikka roga acqording to Charaka is :
(A) Ananta muia
(B) Phalgu mula
(C) Puskara mula
(D) Aragwada mula

5. These are called Trisutra :
(A) Sattwa, Atma, Sarira
(B) Prana, Dana, Paraloka
(C) Hetu, Linga, Aushadha
(D) Vata, Pitta, Kapha

6. Number of Dashemani groups according to Charaka Samhita is :
(A) 10
(B) 25
(C) 50
(D) 155

7. Types of Udavarta according to Charaka is:
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 7

8. Characteristic gandh of the ojus according to Charaka is :
(A) Lajagandh
(B) Visragandh
(C) Madhu
(D) None of these

9. Which chapters are included inAushadha Chatushka of Charaka Samhita ?
(A) Ch. Su. 1 -4
(B) Ch. Su. 5 -8
(C) Ch. Su. 9-12
(D) Ch.Su.16-20

10. Charaka has mentioned Arjuna in which Mahakashaya ?
(A) Hridya
(B) Udarda Prashmana
(C) Mulra Sangrahniya
(D) Shoola Prashmana

Ayurveda MCQ Question Papers

11. Number of Tattvas according to Charaka is:
(A) 6
(B) 22
(C) 25
(D) 36

12. Updha is the synonym of:
(A) Moksha
(B) Aasan
(C) Bhallataka
(D) Trisna

13. Name given to shadpadanhas in ayurveda :
(A) Kaarana
(B) Karya
(C) Padartha
(D) Pramana

14. According to Charaka, Pramana of Masthiska is
(A) 1/2Anjali
(B) 1Anjali
(C) 1.5Anjali
(D) 2Anjali

15. According to Charaka roots are collected during :
(A) Varsha Kala
(B) Hernanta Kala
(C) Vasantha Kala
(D) Greeshma

16. As per Charaka Samhita Gandupada Akruti Krimi is a type of :
(A) Shleshmaja Krimi
(B) Raktaja Krimi
(C) Purishaja Krimi
(D) Bahya Krimi

17. Lashuna Kshirapaka is specifically indicated in which disease by Charaka?
(A) Apasmara
(B) Unmada
(C) Gulma
(D) Pakshavadha

18. Specific place of pitta according to Charaka is:
(A) Amashaya
(B) Grahani
(C) Pakwashaya
(D) Yakrit

19. According to Charaka we should protect after Raktamokshana :
(A) Vayu
(B) Agni
(C) Rasa
(D) Dhatu

20. How many Sambhasha Parishada are quoted in Charaka Samhita ?
(A) 7
(B) 16
(C) 18
(D) 80

21. Plihavriddhi is the symptom of:
(A) Rasa kshaya
(B) Rakta kshaya
(C) Mamsa kshaya
(D) Meda kshaya

22. The term silent killer is commonly used for:
(A) Diabetes
(B) Maiignancy
(C) Essential Hypertension
(D) None of these

23. Malignant Malaria is caused by:
(A) Plasmodium malariae
(B) Piasmodium vivax
(C) Piasmodiumfalciparum
(D) None of these

24. ‘Sunaksikuta’ is the symptom of:
(A) Sotha
(B) Udara roga
(C) Amavata
(D) Pandu

25. Indication of Raskarpura mentioned in :
(A) Yoni kandu
(B) Asrgdara
(C) Soma roga
(D) Phiranga roga

26. Treatment of Rasapradoshaja Vikara is :
(A) Langhana
(B) Vaman
(C) Amadosha chikitsa
(D) All of these

27. Uttana and Gambhira is the two stages of the following disease :
(A) Urustamisha
(B) Vatarakta
(C) Kushtha
(D) Pakshaghata

28. Sannipataja mutra kricchra is :
(A) Sukhasadhya
(B) Sadhya
(C) Kricchra sadhya
(D) Asadhya

29. Sarpi guda is useful in this disease:
(A) Sotha
(B) Grahani
(C) Urakshata
(D) All of these

30. Takra is used in : –
(A) Vatapitta roga
(B) Vatakapha roga
(C) Pittakapha roga
(D) Kapha roga

31. Rajyayakshma is the symptom of :
(A) Vataja gulma
(B) Pittaja gulma
(C) Kaphaja gulma
(D) Sannipataja gulma

32. Shape of pittaja ashmari is :
(A) Kukakutanad sam
(B) Kadambhpushpvat
(C) Bhallatakasthi nibham
(D) None of these

33. Langhana langhanapachana and doshavasechana are the bhedas of:
(A) Shodhana
(B) Shamana
(C) Santarpana
(D) Apatarpana

34. Kriya kala in which the Dosha Dushya Sammurchana occurs:
(A) Sanchay
(B) Sthana Samshraya
(C) Prasara
(D) Vyakti

35. Sakti utksepa nigraha is the feature of :
(A) Sandhigata Vata
(B) Pangu
(C) Urusthambha
(D) Gridhrasi

36. Sthana-Sansthana-Ruja vikalpam is the symptom of:
(A) Vatika Grahani
(B) Vatika Gulma
(C) Vatika Arsha
(D) Vatika Jvara

37. Which of the following type of Jvara causes Prakopa of all the three Dosha ?
(A) Kamaja
(B) Krodhaja
(C) Bhayaja
(D) Bhutabhishanga

38. Site of Murphy’s sign is :
(A) Rt. Hypochondrium
(B) Lt. Hypochondrium
(C) Epigastrium
(D) Umbilicus

39. The application of upanaha in paittika sotha is :
(A) Hetu-viparitarthkari upasaya
(B) Anupasaya
(C) Ubhaya viparitarthkari upasaya
(D) Vyadhi viparitarthkari upasaya

40. Disease in which appearance like hanging mushka formed on the throat is known as :
(A) Gandmaia
(B) Galaganda
(C) Apachi
(D) Arbuda

41. The taila used in Bhagnas:
(A) Laksha taila
(B) Bala taila
(C) Ksirabala taila
(D) Gandha taiia

42. Reactionary Haemorrhage is seen :
(A) After more than 10 days
(B) Within 12 hours of operation
(C) After more than one month
(D) After more than one year

43. Lakshana of dhamanigat salya is:
(A) Swakarma gunahani
(B) Atopa-anaha
(C) Saphena vayuyukta rakta pravrti
(D) All of these

44. Parivrittanabhi is one of the characteristic feature of the following disease:
(A) Anaha
(B) Pittodara
(C) Sthauiya
(D) Jalodara

45. Siravyadha is contraindicaied in :
(A) Kroshtukasirsha
(B) Vriddhi
(C) Galaganda
(D) Gridhrasi

46. Karapatrasastra in modern surgery can be taken as :
(A) Knife
(B) Finger Knife
(C) Scalpel
(D) Saw

47. Number of Doshaja vrana according to Charaka is:
(A) 16
(B) 20
(C) 32
(D) 36

48. Agnikarma is contraindicated in :
(A) Ushtragriva
(B) Sataponaka
(C) Parisravi
(D) Noneofthese

49. Total number of Vrana upakrama according to Charaka is :
(A) 16
(B) 36
(C) 60
(D) 66

50. Asadhya savisha jalouka is :
(A) Indrayudha
(B) Savarika
(C) Pundarika
(D) Shankamukhi