Skin and V D MCQ

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Skin and V D MCQ

Download the Skin and V D MCQ & Solutions & make it as a reference for your exam preparation. Take advantage of these Skin and Venereal Disease MCQ Papers in a proper manner to get qualifying Marks. Last 5 years Skin and V D MCQ Papers provided here. Candidates who are applied for the above exam can check and download the Skin and V D MCQ Papers from here.

MCQ on Skin and V D

1. Tinea Nigra is caused by –
(1) Aspergillus Niger
(2) Trchosporom Ovoides
(3) Hortaea Werneckii
(4) Piedrata hortae

2. Which of the following dermatological condition is not seen in HIV infection?
(1) Seborrhoeic dermatitis
(2) Psoriasis
(3) Granuloma multiforme
(4) Granuloma annulare

3. H. Ducreyiisa-
(1) Gram positive facultative aerobic coccobacillus
(2) Gram negative facultative anaerobic coccobacillus
(3) Gram negative facultative facultative aerobic coccobacillus
(4) Gram positive facultative anaerobic coccobacillus

4. Favus type tinea capitis is caused by-
(1) T. Soudanense
(2) T. Yaoundei
(3) T. Schoenleinii
(4) T. Gourvilii

5. Vesiculobullous reactions is seen with which of the following fungus?
(1) T. rubrum
(2) T. Interdigitale
(3) T. violaceum
(4) T. concentricum

6. In ocular cicatriaal pemphigoid, which antigen is specific?
(1) Auto antibodies against 06 chain of α6β4 integrin
(2) Auto antibody agents β4 chain of α6β4 antigen
(3) BP-1 and BP-2 antigen
(4) All of the above

7. What is Murray William’s wart?
(1) Multiple seborrheic keratosis occurring in areas of resolved eczema
(2) Due to human papilloma virus
(3) A manifestations of secondary syphilis
(4) It is a cutaneous manifestations of immunocompromised patient

8. Which statement is incorrect for TRAPS (Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Associated Periodic Syndrome)?
(1) First manifest in childhood or adolescence and is characterized by episode of pyrexia, lasting 1-3 weeks
(2) Migratory Erythema is present
(3) Deep perivascular monocytic infiltrate is characteristic
(4) Erysipelas like erythema

9. Which statement is correct for Blau syndrome?
(1) Rash with granulomatous polyarthritis
(2) Erysipelas like Erythema
(3) Migratory Erythema
(4) Grouped pustules on erythematous base

10. What is the antigen of Duhring Brocq disease?
(1) Epidermal Transglutaminase-3
(2) Epilegrin
(3) Desmocollin
(4) Periplakin

11. Infection with Helicobacter pylori is associated with all of these disorders, except –
(1) Psoriasis
(2) Vitiligo
(3) Alopecia areata
(4) Behcet’s disease

12. Erythroderma desquamativum is associated with –
(1) Diarrhoea
(2) C5S—C9 complement deficiency
(3) Numerous infection and diarrhoea
(4) All of the above

13. The ragged cuticle seen in dermatomyositis is also known as –
(1) Candy cane nails
(2) Samitz sign
(3) Ventral pterygium
(4) Plummer’s sign

14. A 40-years-old female is diagnosed as systemic sclerosis without any other organ involvement. What is the most specific antibody for this condition?
(1) Anti-topoisomerase antibody
(2) Anti-centromere antibody
(3) Antinuclear Ab
(4) AntiRo Ab

15. Paraproteinemia is associated with all, except –
(1) Scleromyxoedema
(2) Sclerosing panniculitis
(3) Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma
(4) Scleredema

16. Antiphospholipid antibodies listed in classification criteria of antiphospholipid syndrome include all, except –
(1) Lupus anticoagulant
(2) Anticardiolipin
(3) Anti-beta 2 glycoprotein 1
(4) Annexin AS

17. Which vitamin is used in prophylactic treatment of antiphospholipid syndrome?
(1) Vitamin A
(2) Pyridoxine
(3) Vitamin D
(4) Vitamin E

18. The following drugs are used in cutaneous Mastocytosis, except –
(1) Antihistamine
(2) D-tubocurarine
(3) Cromolyn sodium
(4) Corticosteroids

19. Which of the following condition is known by Silk Road Disease?
(1) Behcet’s Disease
(2) Oriental sore
(3) Buruli’s ulcer
(4) Hansen’s disease

20. Which of the following is not a feature of monogenic autoinflammatory disease?
(1) Maculopapular rashes
(2) Lichen planus like lesions
(3) Urticarial rashes
(4) Pustular skin rashes

Practice Set MCQs
Quiz Questions and Answers

21. Classical triad of Leiner’s disease includes all, except –
(1) Desquamative erythroderma
(2) Sparse hair
(3) Frequent loose stools
(4) Zinc deficiency

22. Who first described Pityriasis Amiantacea?
(1) Alibert in 1832
(2) Miller in 1832
(3) Steven Nelson in 1906
(4) Collins in 1906

23. Beta — blockers exacerbate psoriasis by which of the following mechanism?
(1) Increased TNF alpha production
(2) Decreased TNF alpha production
(3) Interfering with calcium release in keratinocytes
(4) Interfering with intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate levels

24. The mechanism of action of ustekinumab in psoriasis is –
(1) Inhibition of IL-12 and IL-23
(2) Inhibition of IL-17 A
(3) Inhibition of TNF – α
(4) Inhibition of IL-12 only

25. All of these are features of Civatte bodies, except –
(1) They are apoptotic dyskeratotic bodies
(2) They have a diameter of 20 µm
(3) They have a homogeneous basophilic appearance
(4) They are PAS positive

26. Lyphocytes are the predominating infiltrating cells in all these disorders, except –
(1) Spongiotic Dermatitis
(2) Erythema Multiforme
(3) Herpes gestationalis
(4) Paraneoplastic Pemphigus

27. Histologically early changes in acute graft VS Host disease is having all the following features, except –
(1) Focal or diffuse vacuolization of basal cell layer
(2) Satellite cell necrosis
(3) Subepidermal cleft formation
(4) Pigmentary incontinence with mononuclear subepidermal infiltrate

28. Which of the following is not true for Rowell syndrome?
(1) Clinically present with lupus and erythema multiforme like lesions
(2) Presence of Anti-Ro/SSA antibodies
(3) Presence of Anti-La antibodies
(4) Presence of speckled antinuclear antibodies

29. Which HLA subtype confers an increased risk for morphea?
(1) HLAB 37
(2) HLAB 36
(3) HLAB 38
(4) HLAB 48

30. Which of the following is not true for erythema multiforme?
(1) Typical target or iris lesions are present
(2) Drugs are a common cause
(3) Described by Von Hebra in 1860
(4) Most incidence is found in male children and young adults

31. Urticaria is seen in –
(2) Muckle-Wells syndrome
(3) Jabs syndrome
(4) DIRA syndrome

32. Hepatoerythropoietic porphyria is caused by deficiency of enzyme –
(1) Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
(2) Coproporphyrinogen oxidase
(3) Uroporphyrinogen cosynthetase
(4) None of the above

33. Primary nodular cutaneous amyloidosis is associated with all of the above, except –
(1) Diabetes
(2) CREST syndrome
(3) Sjogren syndrome
(4) Discoid lupus erythematosus

34. Shar-Pei sign is seen in –
(1) Scleroderma
(2) Scleromyxedema
(3) Degos disease
(4) Chronic GVHD

35. A 24-years-old man were Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is most likely to present with what next disorder?
(1) Beau’s Line
(2) Mee’s Line
(3) Onychophagia
(4) Dolichonychia

36. Flag sign is seen in –
(1) Marasmus
(2) Kwashiorkor
(3) Scurvy
(4) Vitamin D deficiency

37. Toxicity of which of the following vitamins can cause Alopecia?
(1) Vitamin A
(2) Vitamin C
(3) Vitamin K
(4) Thiamine

38. ‘Zebra bodies’ in electron microscopy are seen in –
(1) Trichothiodystrophy
(2) Fabry disease
(3) Gout
(4) Diabetes Mellitus

39. Keshan disease is due to deficiency of –
(1) Manganese
(2) Magnesium
(3) Selenium
(4) Copper

40. Lepemia retinal is and acute pancreatitis are associated with which of the following?
(1) Tendinous xanthoma
(2) Planar xanthoma
(3) Eruptive xanthoma
(4) Tuberous xanthoma

41. “Tiger tail” pattern under polarized light is seen in –
(1) Pili torti
(2) Trichothiodystrophy
(3) Pili annulate
(4) Pili bifurcati

42. Onychopapilloma presents as –
(1) Glauconychia
(2) Xanthonychia
(3) Erythronychia
(4) Melanonychia

43. Ail of the following are major criteria for diagnosis of Tuberous sclerosis, except –
(1) Shagreen patch
(2) Lymphangiomyomatosis
(3) Confetti lesion
(4) Renal angiomyolipoma

44. Xeroderma pigmentosum is characterized by –
(1) Autosomal dominant inheritance
(2) Inability to repair sunlight induced damage to DNA
(3) Acanthosis of epithelium with elongation of rete ridges
(4) Irregular accumulation of melanin in the basal cell layer

45. Inheritance pattern of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is –
(1) X-linked recessive
(2) X-linked dominant
(3) Autosomal dominant
(4) Autosomal recessive